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The other day I was talking to a lady that I met from the states. We talked about all kinds of things from religion, to my work, to her work. She works in performing arts and teaches it here in Thailand. 

She was telling me about how sometimes she wants to direct something, but she can’t until her students are done being scared to perform that production. She said “until the fear of performing is out of the way, there is no production.” 

Wow that was convicting. 

Often times the Lord has this grand production underway for our lives, but can not begin the production until we are not scared to preform. We can see the role that God has for us to walk in, but we are too scared that we are not going to play the part right, or we are not the right person for the role, and we are too scared to perform. Here is the problem with that, the Lord is the perfect casting director. He does not make mistakes when He is choosing who will fill each role in this production we call life. Everyone that claims to be part of the body of Christ has a role to play, but until the fear of playing that part is gone, there will be a hold up in the production. 

I for one struggle a lot with the fear of performing. I struggle with feeling like I am not the right person for the role. Like God has me mixed me up with someone else and assigned me this role on accident. It was not until recently that I realized that the enemy attacks that part of me because he wants to hold up production. The enemy wants to convince me that I am not the right person for the role so I will drop out the production entirely and find another, more easy production to be part of. 

The truth is, on my own, I am certainly not the right woman for the role. On my own this production is going to crash and burn. However with Christ I am exactly the right person to the in the role God wants me in. The same truth applies to you as well. There is always going to be “what ifs” that we will face, but no what if is scarier than “what if I had just done it?” 

Don’t let all the what if statements that the enemy is speaking to you keep you from performing in the production that the Lord created specifically for you. Dream big with the Lord. 

2 responses to “Fear of Performing”

  1. “Don’t let all the what if statements that the enemy is speaking to you keep you from performing in the production that the Lord created specifically for you. Dream big with the Lord.”

    I couldn’t have said it better myself and hope you follow your own words of wisdom.

    I love you, girl! Praying for your courage, boldness, and confidence.